Summer Camp Registration

Hi everyone,

Our summer camp registration has now come to a close. Thank you to all who signed up! We’re very excited to see you all soon.

Summer Camp Spots 2024

We want to update everyone with the weeks that are full. Weeks 2, 3, 8, 6, 7 and 10 are currently full and we will not be accepting more campers during those weeks.

We are also about full for week 9.

2024 Summer Camp Documents

Thank you for your patience as we get all of our ducks in a row 🙂


There are some changes to how we are doing summer camp registration. The big thing that you all will notice is the lack of a calendar provided. Due to recent changes, we will be releasing the calendar at a later date, but well in time before summer camp starts. Next to the dates of the weeks, we have put the themes next to the week. Please let us know if there are any further questions. We will notify you all when we release the calendar.

2023 Lincoln-Shimek Summer Camp Registration

2023 Summer Camp Registration is open! Either click the link below or click on the “Documents” page above to find the registration packet and calendar.

To submit your registration, please fill out the entire registration packet. You may then either deliver a physical copy to Lincoln Elementary or email an electronic version to Remember to include a registration deposit of at least 50% your tuition total.

If you have questions please feel free to reach out to us at

Many Thanks,

Lincoln Elementary BASP